Pool Safety Assessments
Risk management is an essential tool for the successful and continued operation of an aquatic or leisure facility. To this end, Royal Life Saving has introduced the Pool Safety Assessment (PSA), which provides an independent and comprehensive assessment of the operations of an aquatic facility.
The PSA is based on the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation, Australian Standards and relevant State and Territory legislation.
PSA Benefits
Benchmark current performance against industry standards and best practice
Gain independent and expert information and advice
Encourage continual improvement at your aquatic facility
Support the training and educational needs of key facility representatives
Stay current with regulatory changes
Reduce the likelihood and consequence of aquatic related injury and death in your facility
Demonstrate the use of a formal risk management process
Maintain a working relationship with the peak industry body
Achieve recognition for safety practices
Reduce legal risk
The PSA provides recommendations for best practice for public safety, management and operation in aquatic facilities, and is conducted by Royal Life Saving Australia approved auditors.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequency of assessments
Assessment frequency is recommended to be conducted on a risk exposure basis.
Facilities with over 100,000 visits per year are recommended to conduct assessments at least annually.
Facilities with less than 100,000 visits but more than 20,000 are recommended to conduct assessments at least every two years.
Facilities with under 20,000 visits per year are recommended to conduct assessments at least once every three years.
What does RLS-SA do with the results of the assessment?
Assessments are kept commercial in confidence between RLS-SA and the client. The aim is to understand and treat risk exposure, ultimately making aquatic facilities safer in the long run, not punish those who are making a start. We achieve our mission by working closely with aquatic facilities and improving a shared understanding of aquatic facility safety and operations.
Who conducts the assessments?
Only RLSSA licensed pool safety auditors are qualified and trained to deliver an RLSSA recognised assessment in line with the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations. RLSSA licensed auditors are trained and externally accredited as lead auditors in integrated management systems and then must successfully pass an additional assessment by RLSSA to be issued with an RLSSA Pool Safety Auditor license. The process of issuing the license and what steps must be taken is outlined in the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations - National Policy.
Licensed Auditors in South Australia
Jake Culkin | Chief Executive Officer
Brooke Stewart | Aquatic Industry Specialist
Service Cost
Council Owned public pools - $2000
Learn to Swim pools - $1300
School and Higher education pools - $1300
Hotel, Motel and Caravan Park pools - $1300
It is recommended that facilities with over 100,000 visits per year are assessed annually, with other facilities assessed every two years.