About Us
For over 115 years, Royal Life Saving has worked to harness the strengths of the communities we work with to reduce drowning and turn everyday people into everyday community lifesavers. As a dynamic, not-for-profit organisation, our tangible areas of activity include:
Advocacy and awareness-raising
Health Promotion
Aquatic Risk Management
Community Development
Lifesaving Sport
Leadership and Participation
International partnerships.
Lifesavers are everywhere in the community. They can be teachers, students, mums, dads, firemen, plumbers or accountants. They patrol the houses, streets, workplaces and parks of the communities in which they live. They don’t always wear a uniform but they can and do save lives.
Royal Life Saving is active across South Australia. Our members, volunteers, trainers, employees and lifesavers are found in almost all communities. Our approach is inclusive and some of our biggest achievements occur away from large capital cities.
Learn more about Royal Life Saving by clicking the button below